
Get your app idea developed for free by KinectAll
July 10th, 2013 | Kevin Dubienski

My work day ended and it was time for an IPA.  I walked down to the Newcastle pub (strutting and lurking reddit) to meet up with Matthew Ledray & Carlo Galasso Jr., founders of KinectAll.  At first glance, these two reminded me of myself.  Not in a crazy schizophrenic way, rather in a “we’re young entrepenuers aching […]

iHunter Alberta
November 19th, 2012 | Kevin Dubienski

iHunter Alberta brings life to Alberta’s wildlife management units (WMU’s) & hunting regulations.  Harnessing the full power of iOS maps, Alberta’s WMU’s are simply displayed as coloured areas and served through an app.  WMU’s are clickable to see what regulations apply within each area.  Questions like “When does cow elk season open?”, “where am I […]

Setlist, keeping me in-tune with my must see concerts.
July 26th, 2012 | Kevin Dubienski

Rdio has become an everyday companion of mine, keeping me in nearly all the musical loops I hoped for.  Though all the music I could ever want is a finger touch away, Calgary’s mobile development team Mediumrare took things one step further with Setlist.  This app cross-references the artists in your collection with Songkick’s concert listings to […]

Throwing Stars to Triceratops: Ninja Dino Showdown
April 5th, 2012 | Kevin Dubienski

I started my morning with a nice cup of coffee, pushed some emails back and forth, then commenced a battle-royal with my fleet of ninja’s against hordes of cute little dinosaurs.  Ninja Dino Showdown is a lane defence game for iOS devices where the player controls three ninjas across a tiled battlefield.  The further I […]

Broken King’s Skwerl Code Give-a-Way
January 14th, 2011 | Connor Turner

I mentioned this in a tweet earlier this week, but if you are at all intrested in iPhone development in Calgary you really should be following Broken King’s Facebook fan page. Last weekend, Broken King set about the daunting task of churning out a new game within a weekend. Locked up in their apartment office, […]