Archive for March, 2012

Baby Speak: Bridging Communication Gaps Between Toddlers and Parents
March 26th, 2012 | Connor Turner

My wife and I are not parents, but we do fall into the demographic where a good majority of our close friends are quickly starting their own family. When we ask them what their biggest frustration is – within our circle of friends at least – the overwhelming response is the inability to anticipate their […]

Anthm App: Bring Musical Order to Your Parties
March 14th, 2012 | Kevin Dubienski

Finding that perfect playlist to please the masses is a tough feat! We the user can utilize services like Myspace, SoundCloud, Grooveshark (and lots more) to keep us in-tune with an artists latest tracks, yet these communities don’t allow for collaboration. Anthm app is the first solution for passionate music lovers bickering over what music […]