My work day ended and it was time for an IPA.  I walked down to the Newcastle pub (strutting and lurking reddit) to meet up with Matthew Ledray & Carlo Galasso Jr., founders of KinectAll.  At first glance, these two reminded me of myself.  Not in a crazy schizophrenic way, rather in a “we’re young entrepenuers aching […]
Mythic Mountain was the first in-house app undertaking of 2013 as a collaboration between Calgary agencies Decoder & Uppercut. When I first opened the app it was a blast from the past! All I could think was “this is a mystical badass snowboarding version of Ski Free†back when Windows 95 was mind blowing. The […]
Over the past few years, the iOS Development community within Calgary has been quietly growing and with it the knowledge sharing within our community has been evolving. Whether it’s through the numerous Development Camps, Mobile Mondays, The iPhone App meet-up group, the yycApps iPhone Linkedin community or Robots and Pencils’ iOS Weekends, the community in […]
Howdy Calgary Developers, The Calgary Charity App Challenge has just announced the prize money to be $30,000 which will be awarded to the winning app dev team! Take a quick peek over at the techvibes page for a few more details on the event.  Don’t forget to RSVP if you haven’t yet! Calgary’s Charity App […]
Last year, just before the holiday season kicked into gear, Calgary app developers Decoder and design collective Uppercut quietly launched the Soundcloud powered app Remixes. For those of you who enjoy the creativity of the mash-up/cover/remix culture that has overtaken the music industry since the beginning of the decade, Remixes is a must have app […]
The Holidays are upon us and everyones caught the Christmas bug. Scrambling about for presents and fresh eats are high on the list for most Calgarians. Eat Canada app has launched just in time for the season! Local developer Jeremy Gale and CBC’s opinionated eating machine John Gilchrist have teamed up to release an app of their […]