Archive for May, 2013

Robots & Pencils’ Super Mobile Conference 2013
May 8th, 2013 | Connor Turner

It goes without saying that our friends at Robots and Pencils have been one of the largest contributors to the growth and development of the Calgary iPhone community. Whether it’s the string of successful dev camps over the past few years or their highly saught after intensive iPhone Developer weekends, the team at Robots and […]

Shredding the Slopes of Mythic Mountain
May 3rd, 2013 | Kevin Dubienski

Mythic Mountain was the first in-house app undertaking of 2013 as a collaboration between Calgary agencies Decoder & Uppercut. When I first opened the app it was a blast from the past!  All I could think was “this is a mystical badass snowboarding version of Ski Free” back when Windows 95 was mind blowing.  The […]

SAIT’s new iOS Application Developers Course
May 1st, 2013 | Connor Turner

Over the past few years, the iOS Development community within Calgary has been quietly growing and with it the knowledge sharing within our community has been evolving. Whether it’s through the numerous Development Camps, Mobile Mondays, The iPhone App meet-up group, the yycApps iPhone Linkedin community or Robots and Pencils’ iOS Weekends, the community in […]