My work day ended and it was time for an IPA.  I walked down to the Newcastle pub (strutting and lurking reddit) to meet up with Matthew Ledray & Carlo Galasso Jr., founders of KinectAll.  At first glance, these two reminded me of myself.  Not in a crazy schizophrenic way, rather in a “we’re young entrepenuers aching […]
My week started off with a bang! Â I had a chance to run down to Mobile Monday where I caught up one of Calgary’s sharpest, Jonathan Kohl. Â He’s a Calgary based consultant with a keen focus on mobile application development, policy and strategy. Â I had the opportunity to ask Jonathan a few questions this is […]
This was my first app to get significant rankings and my first to turn a profit. More important than the promotion is that Foam Roller Techniques is the best app for what it does and the users love it. Jade Ohlhauser is a part-time app developer located in Calgary. Over the past year and a […]
The apps that we have had the best successes with are the apps where we have felt before we released them that we stumbled upon something “magic” before we ever showed it to anyone else. Stephen is an app developer here in Calgary. I’ve enjoyed many of Stephen’s games and he’s been known within the […]
My games have been downloaded more than half a million times – just trying to imagine half a million kids playing my games makes me feel pretty good about all of my efforts. Do you know Radu Muresan? I bet you don’t. Radu is a software developer here in Calgary. I found out about Radu […]