So you are interested in advertising your app or your company on the site. That’s awesome. Well here’s some info.
At the current time we have two types of advertisements available. We have a 500 x 90 px banner and a series of 125 x 125 px squares. The rates for these banners on a monthly basis are out lined below:
These rates will change depending on the traffic, but for the first little bit we’ve discounted our rates to give everyone a bit of a break.
Good question. The goal of the site is to promote Calgary based companies and Calgary based apps, therefore these campaigns will get first run on the site. We won’t be embarking on any full on Adword or Adsense campaigns, our goal is to promote the Calgary community.
Simple, just contact us and send us some basic information (size of ad you’d like to purchase, the duration of the ad, etc.). We’ll hit you back shortly with some more information.
See easy as pie.