Archive for November, 2012

Developer Interview: Jade Ohlhauser
November 28th, 2012 | Connor Turner

This was my first app to get significant rankings and my first to turn a profit. More important than the promotion is that Foam Roller Techniques is the best app for what it does and the users love it. Jade Ohlhauser is a part-time app developer located in Calgary. Over the past year and a […]

iHunter Alberta
November 19th, 2012 | Kevin Dubienski

iHunter Alberta brings life to Alberta’s wildlife management units (WMU’s) & hunting regulations.  Harnessing the full power of iOS maps, Alberta’s WMU’s are simply displayed as coloured areas and served through an app.  WMU’s are clickable to see what regulations apply within each area.  Questions like “When does cow elk season open?”, “where am I […]

City of Calgary Open Data Survey
November 7th, 2012 | Gavin Miller

Calling all developers! The City of Calgary is running a survey on Open Data and they’re looking for your input. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to express interest in all of the data the City of Calgary has (It’s a boat load!) and tell them you want access to it. So here’s what […]