Archive for September, 2010

The Nenshi App
September 29th, 2010 | Daniel Lemmon

Welcome to the new age of the political revolution my friends. In a time where the attention span of eligible voters is at an all-time low, you have to make every moment count. So if you’re having a quick discussion on Calgary’s upcoming civic election on October 18th (check out and for all […]

Murphy’s Law and the myDomains App
September 27th, 2010 | Russ Fee

As per Murphy’s Law, coming up with a truly great url will only come in two possible instances: at a bar or on the toilet.

Truthfully, neither is an ideal situation to jot down a quick note. Also according to Murphy’s Law, the only time you’ll forget to renew a url you already own is when you really, really need it.

myDomains by A New Qualtiy and RandomType aims to boil down the process of finding and protecting your precious domains to a dead-simple exercise. Entering in a potential URL gives you just the information you need right away: whether it has been taken and (if it has) when it is up for renewal.

The New Look
September 22nd, 2010 | Connor Turner

Well good morning. Notice anything different today? Yes, we’ve gone through a much needed makeover. Over the past 6 months, has transformed from a simple idea to a single web page to a full on resource for the Calgary iPhone Development community. But unfortunately, over the past couple of weeks, it became quite clear […]