Archive for May, 2010

The Comic Book Bin App
May 22nd, 2010 | Connor Turner

Fresh off the heals of the Calgary Comicbook Expo is a new app for all levels of comic enthusiasts from The Comic Book Bin.

The Comic Book Bin AppFor those unfamiliar with The Comic Book Bin, it is a Calgary based online mecca for everything comic related. Started up in 2002 by local entrepreneur Hervé St-Louis, the Comic Book Bin is a self proclaimed independent site where respectful and well-researched discourse on comic books is promoted, free of petty feuds, personal attacks, gossips and industry chit chat – Essentially if you’re a comic book fan, this is your online home.

Early this year, The Comic Book Bin made massive waves in the online world with the release of their first iPhone App. The Comic Book Bin App is essentially a massive mobile information hub which allows users to find local comic book stores, the closest comic book expo and search the Comic Book Bin’s impressive catalog of comic book reviews and editorials.

May 22nd – iPhone Dev Camp #3
May 17th, 2010 | Connor Turner

It’s that time again.

Time to clear the calendar, because this Saturday, Robots & Pencils is organizing Calgary’s third iPhone DevCamp. If you didn’t have the opportunity to check out the previous two camps, we highly recommend clearing off your schedule for this Saturday.

iPhone Dev Camp 3

Update: First Round of 15 Apps
May 3rd, 2010 | Connor Turner

Just a quick note for everyone keeping an eye on the development of yycApps. I’m happy to say that we’ve added the first set of 15 apps to our Apps Page, with many more to be added shortly. So far the 15 Calgary based apps on the web site are: