Mythic Mountain was the first in-house app undertaking of 2013 as a collaboration between Calgary agencies Decoder & Uppercut.
mythic_mountain - By Decoder & Uppercut

When I first opened the app it was a blast from the past!  All I could think was “this is a mystical badass snowboarding version of Ski Free” back when Windows 95 was mind blowing.  The goal of Mythic Mountain is simple, stay boarding for as long as you can, collect gold coins, and avoiding nasty obstacles.  The more coins you collect, the more characters and tools you can unlock.  Fancy a swing of Thor’s hammer Mjölnir? Feel like slaying with King Arthur’s sword Excalibur?  If so, game on, and for free!

Behind the scenes, Kyle Langille – of Decoder – wanted to explore game concepts for the iPhones tilt accelerometer (enabling physical motion to control your in-game character).  Kyle then pitched the idea to Uppercut where this simple snowboarding game was run through a batch of acid, got slammed with pixelated funk and ended up becoming this wild fight between good and evil!

Wrapping this into a nut shell I’m excited to see the creativity coming out of Cow Town!    Grab a copy of this app (it’s free, you have no excuse not to) and shred the slopes as the magical creature of your choice.
