It goes without saying that our friends at Robots and Pencils have been one of the largest contributors to the growth and development of the Calgary iPhone community. Whether it’s the string of successful dev camps over the past few years or their highly saught after intensive iPhone Developer weekends, the team at Robots and Pencils have been doing a fantastic job of knowledge sharing within our city’s growing community. Well, now they’re at it again with the first ever Super Mobile Conference.

Super Mobile Conference 2013 - Robots & Pencils

On May 14th at the Hotel Arts, some of the biggest in-house mobile developers and strategists in Western Canada will converge on the Hotel Arts for a day of discussion and networking. One look at the line-up for the event quickly reveals how impressive the half day conference will be. Scheduled to speak are:

  • Jori Santiago of Shaw Communications
  • Darren Hailes of WestJet
  • Matt Horne Founder of Deco Windshield Repair
  • Dan Haight of Dark Horse Analytics
  • … and many more

So it goes without saying that this is a must attend event for any local iPhone App Developers – big or small. Luckily Robots and Pencils has been kind enough to provide us with two sets of two tickets to give away.

All you have to do is provide your name, email address, twitter handle and a 140 charcter long description of why you want to the confrence. We’ll close the enteries at midnight on Thursday Friday and randomly choose the winners and contact them on the weekend. We’ll be announcing the winners on Saturday afternoon. Also note that we’re only taking one entry per person

So enter now and attend this great event.


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