Last month during my state of the site post, I promised to work harder to help promote some of the grassroots meet-ups happening within the Calgary iPhone Development community.
So for all you local developers out there, Big Stack Studios, the makers of Sigma and Dawn of Night, are hosting the second iPhone Developer Night on August 25th. Last month’s meet-up was such a success that they are back at it again, but this time everyone will be given the chance to demo their in-progress or finished games to group. Then afterwards, people will be heading out for a few drinks and some less informal conversations.
If you want to get involved or attend, you’ll have to join the iPhone Developers group on LinkedIn and respond to the iPhone Developer Night #2 thread. Leevon Bennett is organizing the meet-up for Big Stack, but he needs some numerical information before the event, so get in touch with him ASAP.
So if you’re just looking to connect with other developers or want to demo your latest project, make sure you mark next wednesday down in your calendar.
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