Did you know that the personal database app, TapForms is one of the most popular personal organization tools on the iPhone? Did you also know it was developed right here in Calgary, by local iPhone developer Brendan Duddridge?


Well, now you do.

Tapforms is easily one of the most intriguing success stories to come out of the Calgary iPhone development community. After selling over 35,000 units, TapForms is an app which has established itself as one of the premier life tools for people on the go. But unlike most iPhone apps, Tapform’s growth trajectory has been long and steady. By building a happy customer base through constant and impressive application upgrades and positive word of mouth recommendations.

The concept of TapFroms is quite simple, it’s designed to be an all in one informational database. A place to store all your vital details and lists. Simply create a database (or use one of the dozens of pre-programmed lists) of all the important numbers in your wallet, a list of your precious vinyl collection or even just store those important dates (such as birthdays or anniversaries) in one simple App.

As Brendan describes it, Tapforms is a Database in your pocket.

Through a simple interface and a fantastic user experience design, Tapforms has garnered a wave of accolades and positive word of mouth. Late last year it was a featured app on Smokinapps.com and UniqueApps.com. Even better the the TapForms logo was on display at at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference last June. How cool is that?

So, if you find yourself struggling to have all the right information on you at all times or you just need something to organize your life. Definitely check out TapForms. If you’re a local developer make sure you have a good chat with Brendan on the development of Tapforms. He’s spoken at the yyc iPhone Dev Camp and is a wealth of knowledge on ups and downs of iPhone Development.

Purchase Tapforms

UPDATE: If you want a quick demonstration of Tapforms true power, make sure you have a quick look at this video review from uniqueapps.com.