Time to clear the calendar kiddies, because this Saturday, Robots & Pencils is organizing Calgary’s second iPhone DevCamp. If you didn’t have the opportunity to check out the first one, I’d highly recommend clearing off your schedule for Saturday.

iPhone Dev Camp 2

Based on the popular BarCamp format, this DevCamp is an informal day of learning, demonstrations and networking. If you’re interested in finding out what’s going on in the community or even showcasing your own work, this is the event you’ll want to attend.

The day is divided up into sections of quick presentations, which range from demonstrations on development coding to demos of apps in working progress. There is even an App Track for those of you interested in collaborating with your peers and producing something. During the last dev camp the Apps Track group was able to work with representatives of the Science Centre on a potential app for an new exhibit.

Needless to say this DevCamp is definitly worth your time.

If you would like more information on the iPhone Dev School, check out calgary.iphonedevcamps.org. If you’d like to showcase an app, you can use the contact information on the web site to talk to Michael potentially showcasing your work.